Undergrounded goes to Paris – Blitz review of Archgoat + Whoredom Rife + Theotoxin 07.12.2022

Undergrounded goes to Paris – Blitz review of Archgoat + Whoredom Rife + Theotoxin 07.12.2022

Seine river saw an unusual sight on 7th of December, when the floating concert venue Petit Bain set its sails, and fueled the engines with a strong dose of black metal. The evening was led by the Finnish legend Archgoat, joined on their tour by Austrian and Norwegian colleagues of Theotoxin and Whoredom Rife. This show was not for the faint hearted, or for those who enjoy pointless obedience!

  • von Arttv
  • 16.12.2022

The first blow was struck by the Austrians, when Theotoxin envenomed the stage with their notorious presence, well-known to the whole Undergrounded crew from the past already. Sporting new material from their recent album “Fragment : Totenruhe” (and earlier releases of course) they were a perfect start for the night. Or as Archgoat themselves referred online: “Today I want to pay my respect to the great gentlemen of Theotoxin for being the force to start the shows in the way they should be. Fuck off to weak black metal.”

Next in line was another powerful force to be reckoned with: The pagans of the north, Whoredom Rife. Classical northern style and strong spirit were more than enough to shift gears towards the evening's final act, while throwing a kick ass show in the process. The Norwegians really took their audience, and the boat started to reach its capacity around the stage.

Archgoat arrived at the end, and filled the venue with a presence that lingered even long after the show was over. Lord Angelslayer's gaze and growls kept the pit boiling, and the classic Archgoat soundscape combined with a well thought lighting style made the whole show almost a theatrical delight to enjoy. The audience was visibly excited to finally witness the finnish beasts on stage, after the show got postponed last year all the way to the present day. 

Really impressive showing once again from the Archgoat family. Hail Baphomet!


You can find the full photo coverage of the event on our FB-Site!

Editor's note: These kinds of holiday snaps were certainly not in my mind when I stepped out of the plane in Charles de Gaulle last week. Luckily for me and Undergrounded, this time the stars aligned and crossed the paths between my camera and the metal beasts of my home country no less.


Kein König herrscht für immer, mein Sohn.
