First anniversary of "Tartu Under The Horns" and new projects

First anniversary of "Tartu Under The Horns" and new projects

Around a year ago we went back to Tartu and Tallinn to premiere our second documentary „Tartu Under Horns“ which was the sequel to „Tallinn Under The Horns“ we produced back in 2017 – nearly as an accident. The interest for this even smaller scene in the second biggest town of Estonia was just stunning and in Tartu itself, we could fill a full cinema.

  • von Grave
  • 27.09.2023

We didn't even expect such a huge feedback and since then our bonds to Estonia grew even stronger. So did our wish to dive deeper into rather unknown and smaller scenes. For about a year now we are working on our third documentary so stay tuned for more infos and re-watch „Tartu Under The Horns“ and throw yourself into trve baltic metal spirit! - PIC GALLERY



Der, der hinter den Reihen wandelt.
